Postdoctoral Fellow
NDHU, Taiwan
Worked with Prof. Wen-Shu Hwang and Prof. I.J.B. Lin on functional complexes of Ruthenium and Platinum for molecular catalysis and photo-functional applications​
Postdoctoral Fellow
CeNTech, Münster​, Germany
Worked with Prof. Luisa De Cola (University of Strasbourg) to prepare electroluminescent complexes of Platinum bearing NHC moieties
Ph.D. (Dr. Rer. Nat.)
Westfälische Wilhelms Universität-Münster (WWU-Münster)​, Germany
Worked in the research group of Prof. F. E. Hahn in IAAC-Mü​nster under International NRW Graduate School of Chemistry (GSC-MS) in organometallic chemistry. He prepared variety of protic NH, NR, NHC-based Ruthenium, Rhodium and Iridium complexes with newer ligands development
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee
M.Sc. in Chemistry